Nye County School District is holding a town hall meeting in conjunction with KNIT Architectural Firm to share design plans for the new elementary school on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the high school library. Participants will have an opportunity to review visual displays, ask questions, and speak with District leadership.
Video Plan: https://vimeo.com/885265409

Parents and Guardians,
The Stay-Put drill at Tonopah Middle/High was the result of a medical situation. We enacted the protocol to keep students in classrooms to avoid interference when medical professionals arrived on scene.

Tonight's Board of Trustees meeting begins at 5:30.
Links to the agenda and information on streaming can be found here: https://bit.ly/ncsdbotmeetings
Item 13 is a closed session for the discussion of collective bargaining. The live stream and webinar are both turned off during closed session. Downloading the NCSD app and subscribing to updates at the district level should allow you to receive a notification on your phone when we return from closed session. Information about receiving notifications is on the website noted above.
The selection of a new Superintendent is item 18 on this agenda.

Weather Related School Closure Update
All Nye County Schools in Pahrump, Amargosa, Beatty, Tonopah, and Gabbs will reopen tomorrow as planned.
Please be cautious when walking to bus stops and schools.
Round Mountain Schools will remain closed due to road conditions. The reopening of Round Mountain Schools will be assessed daily, and notifications will be sent to the community members in the later afternoon.

Due to the Declaration of Local Emergency of the Nye County Board of Commissioners and the recommendation to shelter in place, the Nye County School District will be closing schools tomorrow, Monday, August 21, 2023. This decision was made out of extreme caution for the safety of all Nye County School District students and staff.
We are in communication with the Director of Emergency Management for Nye County, Chief Scott Lewis. We will continue to send updates if the situation changes through all school websites and Facebook: https://www.nye.k12.nv.us/live-feed.
Currently our plan is for schools to return to normal schedules on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. If this changes, we will send another emergency update through all channels: phone message, email, text, all websites, and Facebook pages.
Please stay home and be safe.
Documents regarding the weather and the emergency declaration can be seen here: https://www.nye.k12.nv.us/documents/announcements-%26-press-releases/2023-2024-announcements%2C-prs-%26-memos/2023-08-21---county-emergency-declaration/506111.

NCSO and NCSD are aware of the social media posts threatening violence at schools tomorrow, May 10, 2023. A thorough investigation was conducted and it was determined that the threatening post originated outside of Nevada and was directed at a school in Clark County. NCSO has determined there is no credible threat to any NCSD schools. Out of an abundance of caution, patrols will be increased so there is a more visible NCSO presence around our schools.

Please see the attached letter regarding the intermittent heat issues we have been facing at Tonopah Middle/High School. You may access the letter using the following linl: https://5il.co/1pq0q

The Nye County Sheriffs Office received information regarding an unsubstantiated threat across multiple Nevada school districts today. Due to this, all schools are implementing "Stay-Put" procedures, limiting movement around and within campus. If students are required to be outside for transitioning between classes, they will be accompanied by an employee.
Sheriff McGill also has deputies driving by, visiting, and monitoring campuses for safety through dismissal time.
Schools will follow normal dismissal times and procedures.

NCSD Elementary Spelling Bee
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Starting approximately 9:45 AM
LiveStream: https://bit.ly/ncsdlive

Attendance Matters

2022-2023 School Supply Lists are posted on the school website!
Please visit the website to see the supply lists!!

Nye County Residents and Business Leaders.
The NCSD Grants Department is seeking community feedback regarding our Career Technical Education program for high school students. We have surveys for students and parents as well as business and industry partners.
If you are a member of one of these groups, your feedback will be used for our new grant application and be greatly appreciated.
-- NCSD Residents and Business & Industry Partners: https://forms.gle/SC4ggFVBYNSY3xyh7
-- Parents of High School Students: https://forms.gle/UW1DDnPJAm92Lkug9
-- High School Students: https://forms.gle/BnQWjd62LVXdNhzv9

Parents of High School Students,
The grants department really needs your feedback regarding our Career Technical Education (CTE) programs for a new grant application
Please take the time to complete this survey: https://forms.gle/foAZh25snWQtQy818

New state regulation changes the age requirement for kindergarten beginning for the 22/23 school year.
Read more information here: https://5il.co/13mtb

NCSD is considering three new publishers for Reading and Language Arts curriculum (K-12). The materials for all three are on display for public input at the Pahrump district office and each school site through January 7, 2022.

Nye County School District is Hiring in our Northern Communities.

Still searching for some cool customizable Mucker products? How about an awesome decal, perfect for that Mucker athletes room. Check it out at http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/nevada/tonopah/tonopah-high-school
Use code: decal15 to save 15% on a customizable decal for your athletes room!!

Need some customizable Mucker gear?
10% of all sales will benefit Tonopah High School directly!!
Sale begins October 2, 2020!!
Visit our online Sideline Store at:

Parents and Families,
We are having many students and staff calling in for illness-related symptoms. Out of an abundance of caution, Tonopah Schools (Pk-12) will go to Distance Learning beginning Thursday, September 17 through Thursday, September 24. Please note that Tonopah Schools has NO positive COVID cases. The health and well being of our students and staff are our top priority, and we will continue to do all we can to make sure everyone stays healthy. Please ensure your child is working online through Canvas daily.

Return to School Preference Survey
Tonopah School Families,
Please use the following survey link: https://bit.ly/39CeW0x to inform us of your preferences for the 2020-2021 school year.
If you choose Distance Education, please note at the bottom of the survey is a link to the Distance Learning Contract. If you do not have access to a printer please stop by the appropriate school in which your child is enrolled to pick up a Distance Learning Contract--this contract must be turned in no later than August 6th.
Please let us know if you have any questions by calling either Tonopah Junior/Senior HS at 482-3698 or Tonopah Elementary School at 482-6644.